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What is cookies

What is cookies

Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. They are used to track your activity on the website and remember your preferences and settings.

What happen when we grant it

When you allow cookies, you are giving the website permission to store these files on your device. This can be beneficial for you as a user because it allows websites to remember your login information, your shopping cart items, your language preferences, and other settings. This can make your browsing experience more convenient and personalized.

Is it always 100% secure

However, there are also potential privacy risks associated with cookies. Some cookies can be used to track your activity across multiple websites, and this information can be sold to advertisers or other third parties. Additionally, cookies can be used to collect your personal information, such as your name, address, and credit card information, if you enter it into a website.

It's important to note that not all cookies are created equal. Some cookies are necessary for the website to function properly, such as those used for authentication or security purposes. Other cookies, such as those used for advertising or tracking, are not necessary and can be blocked or deleted.

Overall, allowing cookies can provide a better browsing experience, but it's important to be aware of the potential privacy risks and to take steps to protect your personal information. You can do this by regularly clearing your cookies and using browser extensions or settings to block third-party cookies or limit their tracking capabilities.


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